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Oscars 2025: An Honest Review of Wicked

Over at AwardsDaily, I wrote about Wicked. I loved it but the first half had some problems for me. Check out my review below.

I didn’t expect to like Wicked. I’m not a musicals person because I have an allergic reaction to people breaking into song in the middle of a scene. Very few people have made musicals I find even watchable, much less tolerable. To find musicals I love is extremely rare. They do exist. I cut my teeth on Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers musicals. Singing in the Rain is great, of course. West Side Story is one of the all-time greats. Cabaret is fantastic. Chicago is grand. But there is a much longer list of musicals that made me want to flee the theater. Wicked lands somewhere in between the two. The first half of Part One I’d put in the category of “don’t work.” But the second half is so good that it won me over and made me love the movie. READ MORE at AwardsDaily.

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